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 14x03 Officer Down

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5 participants
Ambulancier (Shep Raoul)

Nombre de messages : 73
Age : 36
Localisation : Lille
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2007

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptySam 1 Sep - 14:59

Le résumé vient du forum sur Maura Tierney...pas de traduction...désolée Embarassed
Pratt cares for a 16 year old boy who collapsed. He goes into V tach in the ER. Turns out he has pancreatitis and a pancreatic cyst because he is bulimic to maintain his weight for wrestling. Bettina, Pratt's radiology pal, does a scan and she apparently picks up on the real problem. We also get a semi squicky convo between Pratt and Bettina where she tells him she faked it because she doesn't climax during sex. Pratt seems offended by this info, because, after all, he has done everything she wanted as far as asking her out, etc The kid is trying to get a scholarship to college, Pratt gets a psych consult, blah di blah. Another recycled plot, as Carter had the same patient story back when he was still a med student.
Morris gets a phone call and is upset and distracted for the rest of the eppy. We can tell that he is distracted because Abby gives him a patient who is 'so hot she could melt butter on toast' (that is exactly what it says) and he isn't all that interested. The patient, accompanied by two 'hot' friends, was posing for an adult magazine called Spank when she sprained an ankle. Spank, BTW, is published by women, so it is not sexist or pornographic since men don't profit from it according to Ms. Buttered Toast.
Abby is working with Grady, an intern, on a volunteer cop who was shot after coming across a carjacking. She is her usual nasty self, she 'rolls her eyes' when he says he can handle it after she says its not an intern case . They have placed a chest tube (Grady has to practically beg Abs to let him do it) when the guy crashes. Abby immediately wants to put in another tube, Grady suggests the original tube might be clotted and strips it, which fixes the problem immediately. When Morris points out that it is always best to check before doing another procedure, Abby shoots Grady one of her patented evil looks. How dare he show her up! The cop eventually dies from his wounds.
A female officer is also shot. She is initially stable with a liver hematoma and not needing surgery. She, too, crashes and Abby initially attributes it to getting vasovagal as an IV is inserted. She crashes again though, and it turns out her liver hematoma is enlarging and her crit is falling rapidly. Abby bitches out Grady for not hanging the blood properly, not sure why that would be his job, though. Turns out she is also bleeding from her IV sites and Grady has tried to tell Abby that but, as usual, she ignored him. Gates diagnoses her with Von Willebrand's disease, a fairly common hereditary bleeding disorder. He says that he has seen 'a lot' of clotting problems during his time in ICU which is utter crap since he's only been there a week or two. VWD is, however, a stupid diagnosis to give a college aged woman, since, with the severity of her bleeding problem, she would've hemorrhaged during her period every month and been diagnosed years ago. Her hemoglobin is normal when she arrives in the ER, so, once again, TPTB screw up even simple medical details.
Sam's cop friend Litchman and his partner catch the carjacker who is shot in the leg. Litchman's partner is angry and yelling at the guy and interfering with his care. When Intern Grady asks him to step aside, he punches him in the face.
As Grady works with Abby, he has trouble finding equipment, hooks up the blood wrong and generally fumbles as she constantly bitches at him about it. He has trouble placing the chest tube in the cop and, when Abby gets on him, he asks her to do it and tells Sam that Abby makes him nervous. Abby hears this and is utterly shocked, especially since he had no problems working with Morretti previously. After Grady gets praised by Morris for clearing the clot from the tube, Abby yells at him for not telling her about it earlier. She calls him a retard, being the classy, mature individual we all know her to be. He tells her he didn't think of it until Morris arrived and he once again tells her she makes him nervous. Abby tells him they can't work together if he gets brain freeze. I figure this will go one of two ways; either 1) he is nervous because she is the hottest hottie that he has ever seen and her sexiness is distracting him or 2) she is legendarily brilliant, the bestest, smartest, most wonderfullest doctor ever and he is humbled to be in her presence. We know it cannot be because she is a childish, ballbreaking bitch who cannot teach worth a crap. We also know he has no problems working with Morretti, who, granted is inferior to Abby as a physician because that is the law of the ER, so I think it will be 1). That way, Gates and Grady can fight over Abby when she decides she's not waiting for Luka.
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Infirmier (Chunny, Shirley, Lydia)

Nombre de messages : 272
Age : 35
Localisation : Castres (Vive le CO!!!)
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2005

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyDim 2 Sep - 21:01

Abby ne veut pas attendre Lukas, où j'ai mal lu!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ambulancier (Shep Raoul)

Nombre de messages : 73
Age : 36
Localisation : Lille
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2007

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyLun 3 Sep - 22:06

Tu as bien lu, mais ça peut dire qu'elle va tout faire pour aller en Croatie (je dois avoué qu'on a d'abord pensé au pire avant de penser à la
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Infirmier (Chunny, Shirley, Lydia)

Nombre de messages : 272
Age : 35
Localisation : Castres (Vive le CO!!!)
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2005

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyLun 3 Sep - 23:29

Peut être, vue qu'elle essaie d'avoir un passeport où une carte de séjour ou un truc dans le genre il me semble.
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 799
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2005

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyMar 4 Sep - 17:07

aie j'ai trop at de voir ca
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Ambulancier (Shep Raoul)

Nombre de messages : 73
Age : 36
Localisation : Lille
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2007

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyMar 4 Sep - 18:42

Oui il semble qu'elle tente de se procurer des suis vraiment impatiente de voir ça!
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 318
Localisation : Euh ba à l'hopital ...
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2005

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyMar 4 Sep - 23:45

Faut qu'il soit ensemble les deux
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Interne (Abby,Barnett, Neela, Pratt)

Nombre de messages : 525
Age : 34
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2007

14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down EmptyLun 15 Oct - 22:39

à noter dans cet épisode :

Sam sort ave cle flic de self défense et tant mieux pour elle, pourvu que ça dur! et y a pas à dire elle mieux en brunette notre petite sam!

retour de Sarah, la nièce de gates que personnellement j'aodre détester, mais elle à l'air de s'être un peu calmer!

Abby un peu sur les nerfs et pas sur de voiuloir laisser Joe à Neela

et oui le pauvre il pleure pendant tout l'épisode aller savoir pourquoi parcqu'elle se débrouille bien! surtout quand Dubenko lui rend visite! en fait une relation entre eux deux c'est peut être fesable!

et le petage de câble de Morris c'est un des moments forts de l'épsiode!

voilà court résumé du 3 ème épisode de la saison 14!
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14x03 Officer Down Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 14x03 Officer Down   14x03 Officer Down Empty

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