Désolé, je n'ai traduit que le début de l'épisode, le reste est le résumé en VO !
14x08 Coming Home
Scénario :
Réalisation : Laura Innes
Avec : Goran Vijnic (Luka Kovac) Stanley Tucci (Kevin Moretti) Reiko Aylesworth (Julia) Leland Orser (Lucien Dubenko) Gil McKinney (Paul Grady) Steven Christopher Parker (Harold Zelinsky) Chloe Greenfield (Sarah Riley) Troy Evans (Frank Martin) Yvette Freeman (Haleh Adams) Deezer D. (Malik McGrath)
L’épisode s’ouvre sur Gates et Julia, qui visitent une exposition artistique. Julia lui décrit avec passion un tableau de Gautier, et Tony se moque d’elle, la traitant d’intello. Julia pense que c’est son genre de fille et Tony s’arrête alors pour l’embrasser. Julia lui rend son bâiser…
À des kilomètres de Chicago, la jeune Sarah est à une soirée avec des adolescentes plus vieilles qu’elle. On lui présente des garçons, et l’un l’invite à le suivre dehors…
Au même moment Tony accompagne Julia à son appartement, et ils s’embrassent toujours passionément. Il ferme la porte et Julia en profite pour visiter les lieux. Elle trouve une photo de Sarah en costume d’Halloween. Tony lui explique qu’elle vit désormais chez ses grands-parents. Puis, il s’approche de Julia, et l’embrasse à nouveau…
Sur la terrasse d’une maison, le jeune homme qui a invité Sarah à sortir commence à l’embrasser dans la nuque. Mal à l’aise, l’adolescente accepte néammoins d’aller faire un tour avec lui…
Tony est désormais au lit avec Julia, et ils viennent de faire l’amour. Elle l’embrasse et se rélève. Elle a trouvé que la soirée était très divertissante et qu’elle reviendra. Mais elle ne veut pas rester toute la nuit avec lui le premier soir. Pour plaisanter, Tony lui demande de laisser l’argent sur la table de chevet. Elle revient pour l’embrasser lorsque le téléphone se met à sonner.
C’est Sarah, que l’on voit en train de courir dans une obscure forêt. Elle est en pleurs et elle explique à Tony qu’elle a des ennuis et que tout est de sa faute. Tony lui demande où elle est, mais Sarah n’en a aucune idée…
Aux urgences, le docteur Moretti discute avec son fils Brian, par web-cam interposée. Ce dernier semble fatiguée et agit de manière excessive. Moretti lui conseille de se reposer mais Brian veut étudier et faire un milliers de choses à la fois. Abby interrompt la conversation lorsqu’elle entre dans la pièce pour aller vers son casier. Moretti semble mal à l’aise. Il lui demande si elle va mieux. Elle lui répond que oui, elle a pris quelques jours de repos. Alors que Moretti allait lui reparler de la nuit qu’ils ont passés ensemble, Abby préfère parler de ses patients. Le médecin finit par sortir de la pièce et Abby reste seule dans la salle de repos, observant une photo de Joe sur la porte de son casier…
Pendant ce temps, Gates et Julia sont à la recherche de Julia, en dehors de la ville. Ils finissent par la retrouver saine et sauf, à l’aide de deux camionneurs. Tony se jette dans les bras de Sarah, sous l’œil attendri de Julia.
Sur le parking des ambulances, Abby rejoint Pratt, qui lui demande si elle va bien. Il trouve qu’elle n’agit plus comme avant ces derniers temps et il n’est pas le seul à l’avoir remarqué. Elle lui explique qu’elle a du mal à se faire au départ de Luka. Pratt lui demande quand Luka sera de retour. Abby pense qu’il revient bientôt et Pratt est convaincu que ça va l’aider à aller mieux…
Une ambulance amène Marcus Fancea, un adolescent de treize ans qui a fait une chute d’un toit. Abby et Sam apprennent que son père est paraplégique. En réa, Marcus a du mal à supporter ses douleurs. Abby pense qu’il a une fracture du la nuque et une hanche brisée. C’est alors que le père de Marcus entre dans la pièce, en fauteuil roulant. Abby lui explique qu’elle va devoir réaliser une intervention sur son fils, pour qu’il se sente mieux. Elle pense que les chirurgiens vont pouvoir réparer la hanche de Marcus. Le père a du mal à lui faire confiance, car il a vécu la même situation et personne n’a pu sauver sa hanche…
Cut to Neela and Harold crossing through the ER and she is quizzing him on a consult. He is giddy when he tells her he has to be gone by six. His girlfriend’s homecoming is tonight and it is a very big deal. Morris approaches and asks if he has his moves worked out. Harold demonstrates the yawn/reach around approach and Morris is approving. Frank says that he yawns like a horse. He demonstrates the ‘earnest-emo shoulder hold’ on a disturbed Neela. Then there is the ‘false drop intentional accidental face to face.” He drops her file to the floor and then reaches down to get it at the same time Neela does. She is disturbed by his reaction and says he is making her queasy.Morris is letting him use the ‘sex machine’ for the night……he’s had it specially detailed for the night. Haleh approaches and says she thought Morris was mad at him about the car. Moretti tells Haleh there is a back up in admit and asks if she can man triage. Haleh says no…but she can woman it. Sam hurries to the desk and nudges Neela as she passes. She says Abby is bitching about where surge is for her chest tube. Neela says they are on their way and Sam retorts that they’d better let her sniff their hand first. Moretti asks if there is a problem and Sam says that if she keeps it up she is going to slap her with a colostomy bag. She says she only has to put up with it for a few more hours before she heads to an OR rotation for transpo training. Moretti tells Morris to go supervise but Morris says he is about to check a swimsuit model with a hurt knee form slipping on the runway. Moretti grabs the chart from an aghast Morris and tells him to go deal with Abby. Morris grimaces and then looks off and grins. “Well, well…look what the cat dragged in,” he laughs.
Cut to Marcus’ trauma room as Abby is supervising Harold’s insertion of a chest tube. Neela is watching from the end of the gurney and corrects several things. She asks Abby if she is okay because a kid under 50 kilos needs….Abby interrupts to say that she knows what he needs. Another vascular clamp she tells Harold. Neela corrects her again and Abby loses patience. She tells Neela it’s all her’s and moves out of the way. Marcus’ dad wheels in and asks if anything is wrong. Neela says no and continues directing Harold. His dad asks Harold how old he is. Harold says that what he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm because it’s his first chest tube and he wants to do it right. Abby rolls her eyes and holds back a chuckle. Neela looks off in embarrassment. Dad is very concerned and Abby reassures him by telling him it’s a teaching hospital and Dr. Zelinsky is a very qualified resident. The dad wants someone else to do it and Abby turns wearily and looks out the door into the corridor. She ignores the dad’s protest as a smile crosses her face, she pushes through the door and runs to Luka. He sweeps her up into his arms and hugs her. She wraps her arms around his and holds on for dear life. Nice reunion scene. Not a word is said – or needed. Just the looks on their faces.
Cut to Abby and Luka walking together around a corner of the ER. He is telling her that he caught an earlier connection in Frankfort. She says she wishes he’d told her so she could have taken the day off. He wanted to surprise her. He’s not tired, he just wants to go home and see Joe. She tells him to do that. Marnie has him at swim class but he will be there soon. Luka pulls her aside and says he just wanted to see her…to see the look on her face. He brought her something. It’s licitar…something corny and Croatian…what you are supposed to get your girl when you haven’t seen her for a long time. Since she told him she had a blackout….he figured….you know…a candle. She is a bit stunned to be reminded of the blackout but he is unaware and sets the candle aside. He reaches for her and says he missed her He puts his hands on her shoulders and pulls her close for a kiss. They part just as Moretti comes out of the break room door next to them. He bumps into Abby and she turns away. Moretti introduces himself to Luka and Luka says he heard that he has finally whipped the place into shape. Moretti laughs and says he has certainly tried. Moretti and Abby are obviously uncomfortable and Luka is grinning as he tells Moretti that the chief job is a big responsibility and after they had the baby he decided he’d rather spend more time with is family. Moretti says that someone has to do the job. He is clearly relieved to see a stretcher being wheeled in and excuses himself. Luka watches him go and says he doesn’t seem so bad. Abby agrees that he’s okay and Luka chuckles and mutters that she called him Mussolini. He tells her that he’s going to stop by the desk because he has some souvenirs for the guys and he has as surprise for her when she gets home. He turns away and she calls his name. He looks up and she moves toward him. She tells him that she missed him too and they kiss, foreheads touching, as their lips separate. She waves him off and moves into the break room. She closes her eyes for a second and then turns to watch him t the desk with Morris, Frank and co. She is breathing hard as she paces and then suddenly leans her head into the sink and vomits. She wipes her mouth n the back of her hand and stares into the sink, breathing hard.
Cut to the front porch of the farm. Sarah’s grandparents come out onto the porch as Tony’s truck pulls up. Cut to the inside living room were Tony and Julia are sitting on a couch. Grandpa (Hank) is reaming Tony out for daring to come there. Tony says that Sarah called him when she was in trouble and to think why she did that. Grandpa says they have rules at their house…discipline. They don’t just let her talk, dress or do whatever the hell she wants. Grandma is coming down the stairs and hears this. She tells Grandpa to go finish with the horses. He tells her he can do it later but she says to do it now. Sarah is taking a bath and likes grandma to help her wash her hair. Tony says they have to get going and Grandma zeros in on Julia. Wants to know where she grew up. Julia says she was an army brat and grew up all over….mostly in the Midwest though. Grandpa says she has some apples that need peeling and Julia asks where her paring knife is.
Cut to Abby standing in the drug lockup, thinking. Moretti steps in and startles her. He says they should talk. Wheelchair dad rolls up and wants to know what’s going on. Abby excuses herself in a hurry and moves past Moretti to the hall. Dad wants to know why she left. She tells him the chest tube is placed and she is there now. (Don’t blink and you will see Malik checking the thoraseal!! First time we have seen him this season.) Marcus is still in a lot of pain. Harold tells him to hang in there. Abby tells Harold to give him a bit more pain meds and then heads out to get an ETA on ortho. Dad follows her into the hall and says she seems distracted and wants to know if he should ask for another doctor. She is surprised and tells him they are doing the best they can…really. He tells her that it’s his kid and he’s all he has.